Seamless Limestone Package Concrete Stamp


Proline Recommended Package Includes:

4LS (4′ X 4′ Approximate Medium Skin) Quantity 3
3LS (3′ X 3′ Approximate Small Skin) Quantity 3
2LS (20″ X 20″ Approximate Touch-up Skin) Quantity 2

SKU: LS PKG Categories: ,


Limestone is the most abundant sedimentary stone. Unfortunately, limestone is a very soft stone, easily disolved by anything acidic. Proline can give you the natural look of Limestone without the problems. With our stamping system, you can enjoy the beauty of Limestone with the durability and low cost of concrete. Seamless textures, an original design of Proline, allows for a flowing pattern free of grout lines for easy care. Add any of our Border Art Tools or Band Tools, for a truly unique design.

Package savings reflected in price.




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