News & Tips

Benefits of Staining Concrete

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Enhance the Look and Longevity of Your Project with Concrete Stain Looking for a cost-effective way to add an extra layer of style and strength to your concrete project? Great for indoor and outdoor applications — commercial or residential — applying stain is an excellent, affordable, and low-maintenance way to enhance the appearance of any... Read More

Garage Trends to Watch In 2021

It’s safe to say that everyone is ready to leave 2020 behind. So, let’s take a glimpse into 2021 and discuss what’s going to be hot next year in the world of garages. Whether you’re a homeowner or a contractor, you’ll love these practical yet on-trend ideas. Trend #1: Garage Conversions Throughout the pandemic, homeowners... Read More

To Seal or Not to Seal Concrete

Not sure if you should use a sealer on your new concrete patio, driveway, or walkway? While it might be tempting to skip one more step, we highly recommend that you seal your concrete project! Whether it’s to enhance colors or to repel stains, sealers are a vital step in most concrete jobs. Concrete Sealers... Read More